Comfort Measures for Perimenopause on Zoom, Wednesday, July 10th, 7-9 CST


Comfort Measures for Perimenopause on Zoom, Wednesday, July 10th, 7-9 CST


Comfort Measures for Perimenopause

Wednesday, July 10th

7-9pm CST on Zoom

$50 per person*

Perimenopause means "around menopause", it’s the span of time leading up to the end of menstruation, known as menopause. People often hear that going through this process makes you cranky and sweaty, your estrogen levels drop then your period stops, THE END. But much like going through puberty, perimenpause is a process that can span years and looks different to each person experiencing it.

Going through perimenopause can definitely be a sweaty and cranky ordeal, but it can also include:

-headaches and/or migraines

-forgetfulness/trouble concentrating

-changes in your relationships with friends, family and co-workers

-skin/body changes

-digestional changes

-highten anxiety

-difficulty sleeping

And more!

I designed this class for three reasons:

1. To help lift the cloak of mystery surrounding perimenopause. The more people understand the process the less terrifying it will seem when going through it.

2. To give people practical coping tools that they can use help ease the hard and frustrating parts of perimenopause. People will leave the class with physical and emotional comfort measures to have on hand when needed.

3. To rethink cultural messages about what perimenopause means, shifting the focus from dread and shame to acceptance and empowerment.

The physical and emotional comfort measures taught in this class are gentle suggestions that complement whatever path perimenopause takes you down. This is not a cookie cutter experience, there is no “right” treatment or correct way to move through this process. These coping tools are designed to work with whatever perimenopause path you and your body chose.

*DM for sliding scale and scholarship options.

Cancellation policy:

Cancellations made 7 days or more in advance of the event date, will receive a 100% refund. Cancellations made within 3 - 6 days will incur a 20% fee. Cancellations made within 48 hours to the event will incur a 30% fee.

You also have the option of the refund being returned to you in the form of a gift certificate that you can use to attend a future class. If you choose this option a full refund is given in the form of a gift certificate no matter when you cancel.

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